Whether you need quick styling tips or a complete home makeover(*), our design experts are here to help. We offer free online design consultations or on-site visits at a cost(**)

How does it work?

1. Send a few snaps so we can get a feel for your space. We’ll also need some measurements from you to ensure the furniture we recommend will fit perfectly. If you don’t have a proper floor-plan available, don’t worry, a hand drawn scribble is fine, or we’ll pop over to measure up for an additional cost(***)

2. We will draw up suggested furniture layout for you, if necessary. This will be all to scale, showing you what sized items you can fit and where. You can tweak the layout as much as you like! It’s only once you’re happy, we’ll start designing.

3. Finally, we’ll create a 2D ‘concept’ for you highlighting the key items in the space. Please note we can only work with the items available for purchase on Casa Negara website.

* home makeover does not include space planning or any structural alterations.
** on-site visit consultation cost £250. We’ll visit the property to get a feel for the space and measure up if necessary. London only.
*** measuring service cost £50 per room. London only


Monday to Friday: 9.30 am — 5.30 pm

Saturday: 11 am — 5 pm

Sunday: Closed



Tel: +44 (0)20 3370 0945  

© Casa Negara 2024